Thoughts crossing through mind shanty on April 21 2023

Farah Izu
5 min readApr 21, 2023


Many Years have come and gone, and life moves faster as you get older..

I just watched the Korean American comedy drama series BEEF and I ask myself once again if maybe Koreans came from another fucking planet. The way I see it is, a Love story told through the angle of Hate, an item expressed through its opposite, brilliant!

If I were rotten tomatoes I would watch this show properly, throw all my previous rankings to the wind and apologize for all the old shitty ratings I’ve been issuing since 1998.

“Life moves faster as you get older..

When you’re a baby, you still have 100% of your time to live but as you get older, the fraction of that time that year becomes smaller so Life moves faster.” Said George(paraphrased)

I had to pause it for like 10 minutes to understand what the guy was talking about but then I understood he didn’t explain it totally.

Life moves faster as you get older..

When you’re a baby, you still have 100% of your time to live but as you get older, the fraction of your time already lived becomes smaller as your consciousness of death becomes larger even if you don’t know when that will be. So owing to 3rd grade mathematics, Time itself is already putting pressure on you to get shit done, not your mom.

But what the hell..

The fact still is, Time actually does move and nothing can stop it. Let’s get a bit scientific..

According to the Law of the Arrow of time, everything will eventually break down as long as time is moving i.e everything must scatter and become disorderly in the forward trajectory of time. This is really mysterious because it means that everything, I mean everything is falling apart as long as time is moving, including our brain cells.

And this is the beauty of science, it is the subject and substance of pure, unadulterated, naïve and observable truth, it seeks to explain everything as it is, as it was, as it were and as can be observed. It observes every thing in its natural form and character. Scientists tend to say obvious shit like:

If a glass cup which posited on a table, falls to the ground and shatters into a hundred tiny pieces, it must do that along the forward trajectory of time; but if time moved backwards, the glass cup must then de-shatter, coalesce, sew up, stick, reform, rise and re-posit(yes I just used five verbs for emphasis) up to the table, to take its original, prior form.

This reasoning is so plain and simple, but its actually kinda fucking complex too. Ill explain

Photo by Artem Kniaz on Unsplash

If the Arrow of time concept is true(which it is) and everything must break down into the future, not just the glass cup but every other thing else including our brain cells, and receptors and heartbeat and emotions and even fucking speed of light!(Just imagine speed of light slowing down and actually trying to reverse Brooooo), then how the FUCK would we know if time actually moved backwards because hell shit would we even fucking remember?!

If forward is to shatter, and backwards is to de-shatter, then how would our brains be able to remember what is actually happening based on the law of the arrow of time.

Time cannot move backwards because it doesn’t need to, it will just be wasting more fucking time!

Our Memories might be the closest we may ever get to time travel. Or CCTV.

The Homo sapiens are a nasty bunch.

The only reason we are so hyped about Time travel is because we just want to curb our own collective curiosities. Imagine the things human beings would do if we could go far back in time?? What ?!

We would be able to see who our fore fathers were, which you might think is a good thing but do you really wanna know how our descendants lived in 600 BC, I mean those were crazy times and we would most likely learn only more dark shit. And then we would be able to see how our world started, Creation or Big Bang, Christ or Muhammad, who shot Reeva Steenkamp, who gave the order at the Lekki toll gate massacre. We would see everything on our phones through the time travel app maybe. That would be cool, but to what end?

The juice of this concept is not about who can travel back in time but who can remember that she’s traveling back in time.

If time could move backwards and everything must de-shatter, then imagine they built the Empire State Building 5 years ago, and you wanna see how they began, then every construction worker, equipment and engineer must return back to site, and every opening launch must be redone(backwards), and every meeting and discussion must be re-held, and everyone that died must live again and vice versa and everyone must re-gurgitate their food(eww), all doing this and being conscious of the events re-folding.

The problem with Time travel is not time itself, but the consciousness of it .

And this is why Time travel will NEVER be possible, but rather the consciousness of it can be stored, aggregated and replayed for us all to see, feel, experience. I feel it so strongly that at some point in our existence, we might make this groundbreaking discovery and we might be able to snatch very old memories through some deep dark forbidden science. This means Time travel consciousness and memories of our distant distant past might be retrieved at some point and this groundbreaking technology might not be through physics or chemistry like Hollywood assumes but through good ol’Biology.

Photo by CDC on Unsplash

The consciousness of time and events and the experiences of the first man may be able to be passed on to us in current day through genetic quarks stored and buried deep in our DNA at extremely quantum levels(and when I say quantum I mean extremely accurate fucking quantum, way past uncertainty principle shit), then interpreted/translated into video-thoughts. That should be the closest we would ever get to Time Travel because who else was there to observe Life if not us, Humans( and animals)..

And if we can somehow pull out or retrieve these memories by collecting the Brain DNA of lets say, 30 billion people(and animals, which is why we need to preserve our endangered species) in 2230 without completely raping and wiping out their brains, then we just might be up to something really freaking cool.



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