Hell is for the color blind

Farah Izu
1 min readFeb 10, 2021


Hell is for the so-called pious men who,

for reasons so cynical can’t abide by what they preach

who can’t tell black from white;

Hell dwells with the indecisive,

to save a culture, repeatedly bleeds just before ovulation

she can’t tell white from red

Hell burns for daft and violent ones who,

just for lands their mothers migrated,

drown babies and rape a girl-child

for they can’t tell red from pink

Hell calls out the judgemental who,

so outrageously criticises a specie’s love for another;

Its usually hard to tell pink from purple

Hell heats for the Confidence men who,

steal people’s livelihoods behind laptops

and even compose songs for sale, because

they can’t distinguish purple from blue

Hell awaits the leaders who,

wield great wealth and power, but without responsibility

so bring their motherland to the brink of poverty;

they can’t tell Blue from Black

Hell is for the Scatter-brain who,

uses the hue of another man’s skin,

to validate his micro-aggression

In plain sight, he can’t tell black from white

Heaven in my clearest conviction

will belong to those who,

without a veil of dogma, or belief, or race or religion

see clearly through life’s Color spectrum



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